giovedì 29 gennaio 2009


Pubblico anche il compito di Alessandro, uno dei miei studnti del corso di Conversazone. Alessandro è anche un bravo musicista, sicuramente, e mi auguro che un giorno diventi famoso, così io potrò dire: "Hey! I used to teach English to that guy"!
Inserisco il link del suo sito - guardatelo tutti, ne vale la pena.

Things I Hate Doing and Why

There are obviously things I hate doing and others that I prefer. Take, for instance, housework. I hate making my bed when I wake up because I’m always in a coma so I prefer to do it after breakfast. In general I hate working in the kitchen but I enjoy making recipes and kneading dough.

I’m able to dust and I like to, because you can see the difference between before and after (and I prefer dusting because you can draw a line with the duster on the surface you’re cleaning). I dislike using the vacuum cleaner because it’s difficult to see the results if you don’t have a black floor.

I also hate to clean the bathroom and the kitchen because in my town there’s too much limestone and I’m always forced to decide if it’s better to spend two hours cleaning only the sink or to use Viakal and risk making a mistake with the chrome surface of the water faucets. I also hate ironing and I don’t want to waste any words explaining why: it’s obvious.

In the garden I hate mowing the lawn, but I’m able to work very well with plants and crops because I’m an agriculture expert. Another thing I hate doing is washing the car but once I get started, I spend many hours doing it, probably because I do it only once a year and so there’s a lot to do. On the other hand, I love cleaning my motorcycle and riding over the hills and the mountains of the Apennines.

There are also other things that I hate doing, all related to cleaning. I’m referring to operations that I should do to keep my computer performing optimally.. This is a hard job: it’s less tiring than housework but at the end you will have a headache instead of a backache. In general I love working with technology because I’m very fast with it and in a few hours I can make beautiful movies with photos and videos or music about a holiday starting from scratch.

There is another thing I hate doing but I’m obliged to do: it’s to change the strings on my guitar. Usually they work very well for one or two months but with my kind of hands, I’m forced to change them once every three weeks. This is very expensive and boring… if only I had dry hands!

The biggest thing that I love doing is working in my music studio composing songs, recording music and playing on musical instruments and trying to be a little rock star… at least the greatest rock star of the neighbourhood.

Other things that I love doing are skiing, jogging, playing tennis and billiards and taking photos but I hate going to the disco, and I go there only when I have a concert wasting time in the bar gossiping and reading sports newspapers.


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