La forza dell'amore ha portato l'altro mio nipot...ino a volare oltreoceano, dagli States in Inghilterra.
Ha conosciuto l'amore tramite internet. Candy, una ragazza deliziosa che abita a Wells, vicino a Bristol. Dopo un pò di conoscenza via internet, lui è andato a conoscerla di persona. Scocca la scintilla, Matteo torna in Virginia, chiede la cittadinanza italiana che gli spetta di diritto per naturalizzazione, vende le cose di sua proprietà che ritiene non necessari, e si stabilisce definitivamente a Wells dalla sua Candy.
Le conoscenze fatte su nternet non sono sempre pericolose come si dice in giro, e non più sicuramente di altre conoscenze fatte in tram, al bar o in altri luoghi, che forse a volte lo sono anche molto di più.
Auguri a Matteo e Candy!
The power of love has made my other nephew to fly across the ocean from the States to England.
He found his love on the internet, Candy, a wonderful girl who lives in Wells, near Bristol. After knowing her for a while on the internet, he went there to meet her in person. Sparks flew, Matteo returned to Virginia, requested his Italian citizenship to which has a right, sold everything he had that he didn't find necessary, and he established himself firmly in Wells with his Candy.
People you meet on the intnernet are not always dangerous as you hear people say, and certainly no more dangerous than those you meet on a tram, at a bar or in other places, the latter of which are sometimes are a lot riskier.
Congratulations to Matteo and Candy

The power of love has made my other nephew to fly across the ocean from the States to England.
He found his love on the internet, Candy, a wonderful girl who lives in Wells, near Bristol. After knowing her for a while on the internet, he went there to meet her in person. Sparks flew, Matteo returned to Virginia, requested his Italian citizenship to which has a right, sold everything he had that he didn't find necessary, and he established himself firmly in Wells with his Candy.
People you meet on the intnernet are not always dangerous as you hear people say, and certainly no more dangerous than those you meet on a tram, at a bar or in other places, the latter of which are sometimes are a lot riskier.
Congratulations to Matteo and Candy

strada dove abitano Matteo e Candy
Una fiaba in piena regola! Sono bellissimi.